Article No. 654201
Accelerator for the Crete system
Product specifications
1C on delivery
The stated values represent typical product characteristics and are not to be construed as binding product specifications.
Field of application
- Easy to measure and dispense
- Accelerates the hardening of Crete systems
Storage / shelf life
If stored unopened in its original container in a cool, dry place and protected against frost, the product will keep for at least 24 months.
See table under Application examples
Application examples
Crete TF 60 Application Temperature (°C) Cat. quantity (g) Processing time (min) Foot traffic / overcoating (hrs) Water resistance (hrs) Priming / sealing 8 200 10 4 5 13 150 10 4 5 20 100 10 4 5 The stated processing time includes spiking, working in, and blinding if necessary. The stated cat. quantities are based on a Crete TF 60 standard container of 10 kg. Crete SL 80 Application Temperature (°C) Cat. quantity (g) Processing time (min) Foot traffic / overcoating (hrs) Blinded coating 8 150 8 6:00 13 75 8 7:30 20 50 12 7:30 The stated processing time includes spiking, working in, and blinding if necessary. The stated cat. quantities are based on a Crete SL 80 standard container of 20 kg. Crete BL 120 Application Temperature (°C) Cat. quantity (g) Processing time (min) Foot traffic / overcoating (hrs) Self-levelling mortar 8 150 10 6:30 13 75 8 7 20 50 6 7:30 Blinded coating 8 100 8 8 13 75 8 6:30 20 50 6 7 The stated processing time includes spiking, working in, and blinding if necessary. The stated cat. quantities are based on a Crete BL 120 standard container of 26 kg.
General information
Unless otherwise specified, all the above-mentioned values and application rates were determined under laboratory conditions. Slightly different values may be obtained on the construction site.
Using the accelerator reduces the processing time. Depending on the quantity used, this may result in trowel marks or spike marks on the surface.
When working on continuous surfaces, only use material containing the same amount of accelerator.
You can find more information on application, system configurations and maintenance of the listed products in the relevant Technical Data Sheets, the application instructions, and the Remmers system recommendations.
Disposal instructions
Larger quantities of leftover product should be disposed of in the original containers in accordance with the applicable regulations. Completely empty, clean containers should be recycled. Do not dispose of together with household waste. Do not allow to enter the sewage system. Do not empty into drains.