Double guarantee, twice the security
Anyone looking to fulfil their dream of their own home faces a choice: Buy an existing building or build new? In addition to the financing, the size or location, there is another special aspect: Security. Security when building, security when living and security for the future.
This is why our Remmers premium products are the best possible solution for your project in the construction sealing field. This means the following for building owners: Double guarantee = Twice the security Because only certified RSG partners give you the extended guarantee coverage of the Remmers System Guarantee (RSG*) for the applied sealing systems over a period of 10 years.
The RSG* gives you an additional 5 years on top of the statutory stipulated guarantee of 5 years - and that to 100%. The RSG* is a documented quality promise, i.e. you have 10 years of security, signed and sealed.
Thanks to training courses with the RSG quality seal
Thanks to regular and high-quality training courses and the continuous transfer of know-how, RSG partners receive the know-how they need to guarantee high-quality waterproofing of new buildings. This means that the RSG seal is a quality mark for the perfect planning and use of Remmers system elements. Your benefit: Absolute security, signed, sealed and guaranteed.
Thanks to the revolutionary Remmers MB 2K (Multi-Baudicht 2K) sea
We use Remmers MB 2K, the top building waterproofing innovation for new building projects. The high-performance product ensures that the waterproofing is highly durable and keeps cellars and walls permanently dry. With this all-in-one seal you can always be sure that: Your house will be sealed securely, for a long time.
Thanks to extended guarantee by the manufacturer Remmers
In addition to your statutory guarantee entitlement of 5 years (BGB contract) and/or 4 years (VOB/B contract), we also provide an additional 5 or 6 years guarantee on the applied system. The RSG* is a documented quality promise. Also, we will advise and support you for the entire guarantee period. More security for your home.
Performance features at a glance.
- The RSG* may only be applied by certified and specially trained specialist companies
- The Remmers building waterproofing products are state of the art
- Quality mark for perfect planning of the technical services
- Verifiable quality thanks to exact execution documentation
- No follow-up costs for the building owner
- System with dual security: The plausibility of the execution plan is checked and the execution company has a duty to comply with the specified works regulations.
The RSG system for your new building at a glance
RSG system 1: New building with cellar
Benefits of the new system:
- Short waiting times
Fast, weather-independent drying and wetting in less than 18 hours. This allows extremely fast filling.
- Little material required
The flexible polymer-modified thick coating (FPD) MB 2K is resistant to water pressure at a layer thickness of just 3.0 mm compared to 4.0 mm PMBC.

1. Waterproofing in and below walls
Primer with Kiesol (1:1 with water), sealing with MB 2K, dry film thickness ≥ 2.0 mm in two work steps
2. Intermediate water proofing layer in the wall-base intersection
Primer with Kiesol (1:1 with water), protection against underlying moisture with WP DS [basic], sealing cove with WP DS Levell (Radius 5.0 cm)
3. Intermediate water proofing layer in the base area
Primer with Kiesol (1:1 with water), protection against underlying moisture with WP DS Levell
4. Fill-surface building sealing
Primer with Kiesol (1:1 with water) on untreated areas, sealing with MB 2K, dry film thickness ≥ 3.0 mm in two work steps
5. Perimeter insulation
Full-surface adhesion with MB 2K
6. Waterproofing protection
Mounting DS Protect
7. Base render
Reinforcement layer with VM Fill + Tex 4/100, top render with VM Fill rapid
8. Plaster sealing
Plaster sealing with MB 2K
RSG system 2: New building without cellar - plaster base
Benefits of the new system:
- It couldn’t be more easy
Sealing in and below walls, base and plaster sealing in one material
- Higher compression resistance
Thanks to the unique rubber granulate filler technology, MB 2K is much more dimensionally stable than stipulated.
- Conform application
All waterproofing work specified in the updated version of the base plaster guideline is completed reliably with this system.

1. Waterproofing in and below walls
Primer with Kiesol (1:1 with water)
Waterproofing with MB 2K, dry layer thickness ≥ 2.0 mm in two work steps, if necessary joint tape VF
2. Intermediate water proofing layer in the base area
Primer with Kiesol (1:1 with water)
Protection against underlying moisture with WP DS [basic]
3. Base seal
Waterproofing with MB 2K, dry layer thickness ≥ 2.0 mm in two work steps
4. Waterproofing protection
Mounting DS Protect
5. Base render
Reinforcing layer with VM Fill + reinforcing fabric 5/100
Top render with VM Fill rapid
6. Plaster sealing
Plaster sealing with MB 2K
RSG system 3: New building without cellar - brickwork masonry
Benefits of the new system:
Unbeatably flexible
The crack-bridging capability of MB 2K is not just 0.4 mm, as tested for mineral water proofing grouts, instead it is ≥ 2 mm. This means that MB 2K has five times the crack-bridging capacity of a conventional mineral water proofing grout.

1. Zwischenabdichtung
Grundierung mit Kiesol (1:1 mit Wasser)
Hinterfeuchtungsschutz mit WP DS [basic]
2. Fugenband einbauen
Fugenband VF in MB 2K einbetten
3. Sockelabdichtung
Abdichtung mit MB 2K,Trockenschichtdicke ≥ 2,0 mm in zwei Arbeitsgängen
4. Schutz der Abdichtung
Montage des DS Protect